We had a week or so of perfect spring running weather, then this week summer and its higher temperatures arrived. Well, I knew I needed to start heat acclimation training, but I was hoping to start it in May.
My recovery week went very well. I took Sunday and Wednesday off, and here's what I did the rest of the week.
Monday - 3 mile shuffle on the treadmill in 35:47 for an average pace of 11:56.
Tuesday - 5.2 miles in one hour for an average pace of 11:33.
Thursday - 3.71 miles in 40 minutes for an average pace of 10:48. Temperature was in the 80s but for some reason, my legs wanted to move fast so this turned into an accidental tempo run.
Friday - 7.19 miles in 1:30 for an average pace of 12:32. I paid for my exuberance the day before during this run. Had to do a lot of walking the final 30 minutes.
Saturday - 4.43 miles in 50 minutes for an average pace of 11:18.
Sunday - 14.3 miles in 3 hours for an average pace of 12:36. Purposely ran with the temperature in the 80s. Heart rate started creeping up the last hour so I added more walking breaks.
Total mileage this week was 37.8 miles. I plan to continue running during the afternoon with the warmer temperatures to continue the heat acclimation. I'm also going to try to run on trails or run up and down Stone Mountain once a week. On Tuesday my running cult is doing a trail run with pizza after. Since I'm not working that day I'm going to try to make it. I've been assured there will be some people there as slow as me, we shall see.
Comparing performance
1 day ago
It's still pretty nice here (and usually it's so hot by now), but I can tell that "summer" is only a week or two a way.
Nice job on a strong week of training!
This heat has snuck up out of nowhere...I want my spring back....
Hey there! Good to hear from you the other day :) can you send me your email again? Accidentally deleted it, sorry :)
I really enjoy reading your blog!! Keep up the good work!!
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