Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I'm In!

Remember last year when the Boston Qualifier whiners were complaining because it sold out in eight hours or so? Well I squeaked into Umstead this afternoon. It sold out in THREE MINUTES!


RunningLaur said...

oh, congrats!!

and how about those Bostoners complaining about the 'hills' too? ;)

Karen said...

Congrats! Another friend of mine got in as well. You must have had your finger poised on the register button :)

Georgia Snail said...

Have a blast at should sign up for The Barkley, too!

JojaJogger said...

Ummmm, no to The Barkley, I'm not missing enough brain cells.

Herself, the GeekGirl said...

WOOT! I'll be watching your training with great interest!

I'm thinking of Arkansas Traveler; have you done it?

S. Baboo said...

congrats! I saw a lot on the Ultralist about Umstead being sold out. Cascade Crest sold out in 7 minutes this year! Looks like a couple more races might go the way of the lottery.

BTW, the quest is the Mountain West 100s. However, Superior Sawtooth is on my list for sure.