This morning I did my very first ever interval workout on the track. I have done intervals on the treadmill, but this is the first time I've done this on a 400 meter track. Its a little bit harder maintaining a steady pace without a giant rubber band forcing you to keep its pace.
I set my alarm so I could be out at the track before it got too hot. I managed to get out there at 7:00 AM and there were eleven other runners out there! Most of them had gotten up even earlier than me and all but a few were finished before I even completed my 1.5 mile warmup.
I have recruited my brother (Mr Sub Three Hour Man, or MSTHM for short) to be my coach, and he assigned me 8 x 400 at a 2:21 per interval with a 60-90 second recovery. My plan was to shoot for 2:15 to 2:21. After my 6 lap warmup at a 12:00 min/mile pace, I started my intervals. If I do say so myself, I think they went very well. Here are the times for the eight intervals.
2:14.00 Avg HR 152
2:15.32 149
2:13.90 151
2:13.72 152
2:12.75 154
2:14.55 154
2:14.41 155
2:02.73 160
My brother told me that consistency is the key, and I think I did very well on that, but I did kick it up a notch on the last one. Overall, I'm giving myself an A on my first interval session. I finished up with a little over 4 miles at an 11:45/mile pace.
If I keep this up, I may have to change my name from Jogger to Runner!